Ok, ok, I've been officially back from vacation since Monday morning (4:30 AM to be exact) - I just couldn't bring myself to really start writing again. I had good intentions, I promise, I just couldn't decide on which story to start out with.
Do I tell my loyal readers about the Baja jeep adventure where we literally did see the most beautiful place on the earth (and where Jenny ate it on a coral reef thereby exposing the fact that she's not so very graceful after all)?
Or do I tell them about getting unknowingly snookered into a 90 minute timeshare presentation at Sammy Hagar's beachside villa?
Or should I mention the guy at our own resort who insisted on strutting his "stuff" in nothing but an electric blue speedo and a matching Nacho Libre Mexican wrestling mask?
Hmmm...so many choices. I think I'll have to sleep on it. Suffice it to say, we're back and we had a great time.
Hasta Luego, mis amigos.