Wednesday, February 2, 2011

When Whining Rears it's Ugly Head

1. What causes you to hit the wall and want to give up?
2. What tools do you have to get yourself back up?
3. How are you able to reconnect with your kids afterward?
First, when dealing with persistent nagging or whining from our kids, we often "hit the wall." We throw up our hands in disgust, utter words of anger, storm out of the room, or give in. So how can you prevent your reaction that leads you to feeling regret? Take the time to calm yourself before you connect with your children. This takes being present with your feelings and having a parenting plan. One plan to have is consequences decided in advance for nagging and whining. This way, what comes out of your mouth is a measured response, not an unkind and unrealistic threat. OK, now that you've hit that wall, are angry with your kids and just as mad at yourself for losing it, how do you get yourself back up? Try a simple healing technique and, tap, using EFT. Tapping with your fingertips on certain points on your body will release the stuck negative emotion in your body and free you of carrying on with that anger and regret. Ever notice how babies soothe themselves with touch? You can too. Last, after a rift is formed, it's often hard to reconnect. This is when you have to put your ego aside, and acknowledge your child as a fellow human. Without superiority, be open to communicate and apologize for your behavior. Don't over explain. A pure and simple, "I'm sorry that I lost control of my emotions," and a hug is perfect. For you I wish peace in your heart and in your home. When you have bumps along the way, you'll learn from them and will do better next time.

Carla C. Hugo offers Key Coaching for Family Harmony and Wellness. She is a Coach U trained coach, EFT Practitioner, Certified ScreamFree Parenting Leader and graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Do you believe that Peace on Earth begins at Home? Are you ready to clean up your home life and take your health to the next level? Visit my website and sign up for my newsletter. I look forward to making a difference in your life either through my coaching program, free tele classes, cleanse coaching and more. Sign up to stay in touch. Request my free EFT shortcut sheet