I was reading an article recently about a teen that was involved
in a drunk driving crash that left four people dead. This teen later gave a
reason for why he should be found blameless for the accident. He (or perhaps
his lawyers) said he suffered from a condition called “Affluenza.”
“Affluenza” isn’t a medically or psychologically diagnosable
condition. It is merely a term that speaks about parents of upper-middle class
parents who refuse to discipline or set proper limits for their children. These
kids often wind up, “out of control” because they had no one to set boundaries
around their lives and to hold them accountable if they crossed them.
Now, I am not writing to place my judgment upon this teen or his
parents. Neither am I planning to give a Nancy Grace type commentary or
synopsis of his case. I am hoping that the idea of boundary setting will begin
an interesting conversation in homes across the land.

The laborious nature of setting boundaries and consequences is
the reason many choose to ignore it. However, we are not doing anyone any
favors by turning a blind eye to our child’s negative behavior or excessive
requests. What we are doing is feeding a monster that will one day be unleashed
upon society.
We are raising men and women who will one day be given the choice
to obey laws and rules or face the massive consequences that come with
noncompliance. Those consequences tear apart families, ruin the next
generation, and cost tax payers $31,000 per year for each prisoner incarcerated
in our penal system.
There is hope, however. If your kids are still under your roof or
on your payroll, there is still time. The requests that they make are going to
continue to come before us in some way, shape or form. It might be the desire
for one more cookie, the new $500 Xbox One or simply wanting to take the car
for a spin. Sometimes the greatest gift that we can give our kids is a simple,
“No.” Sometimes the most appreciable lessons come when we allow our kids to
suffer the consequences for their actions. There is still time.
We must learn to push through the pain of the crying, whining and
nagging and do as the late Stephen Covey said in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, “Begin with the end in
What type of adult do we want our kids to be? Most parents I talk
to want their adult kids to be honest, self regulated, self confident and
educated. Whatever attributes your list happens to contain, begin right there.
If we don’t set limits and consequences, someone else will.
Whomever that person happens to be will not love your child the way you do.
They may not use the mercy and grace that you would. Their words may not be
seasoned with salt. They may not use any sort of justice or diligence in their
punishment. It might be swift, cold and hard.
We still have time to teach them in a way that seeks to guide
them toward a brighter future.
Teach them the importance of their actions and the unimportance
of some of their desires. The world
is counting on you...and so is your child.
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